live a natural life


You are inherently designed

with the capacity to heal yourself.


One of the most coveted technologies
of the last 100 years.

A pioneer in electromagnetic therapy, discovered in the 1920s the power of frequencies on biological systems. His vision led to the development of the Multi-wave Oscillator, a device that uses broadband frequencies to optimize biological activity.

what have been healed by the mwo?

Through the resonance effects between the cells and the Lakhovsky Antennas, the natural processes within the cell structures are supported and enhanced.

  • Cell regeneration;
  • Increased efficiency of biological activities;
  • Overall improvement in biological functions;
  • Strengthened energetic balance.

MEET zenergy

Leading Producer of the MWO
Across Asia.

100% correctly built

Premium quality

Best deal across the world

We Are

an independent health research and experimental technology develop team from China.  We have a profound understanding in both modern science, traditional Chinese medicine and Eastern philosophy.

We Believe

the wisdom of life and health is aligned with the laws of the universe, and the essence of healing lies in the interaction with quantum energies.

We Provide

authentic and effective devices that meets both Eastern and Western health cognitions, for reliable investments in your life quality.

Unleash the self-healing force of your being

with the revealed secrets of the once-famous Georges Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator


The Multiwave Oscillator (MWO) is a private research project of Zenergy and is sold only as a research and test devise to study how Lakhovsky created his waveforms. No claims are given and the user assumes full responsibility for using it. By purchasing this device, you are agreeing to a no-refund policy.

© 2024 Zenergy All rights reserved.